Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A mood a day

I felt bloaty after dinner at KOK. darn you TJ for introducing me to the best egg chiffon rice in melbourne! :P

A wise chinese man bestowed upon me some useful chinese proverbs :
"Man who run in front of car get tired."
"Man who run behind car get exhausted."
"Man who drive like hell bound to get there."
and the one i liked the most...
"Man with one chop stick go hungry."

i grin like this when i see a pretty face.

and Paul i have to do this. i'm glad you found out. now i can keep doing it with your blessings. LOVE you Pauly-wally! (this is such an emo moment)

...and i'm so glad today, my flickr account has been revived :) woot!

Monday, March 12, 2007


What does life hold for me?... How many planets are there in the milky way?... What would banana taste like with milo flakes???... As i ponder, hoping to find some universal truth, I stumble upon the greatest answer (actually 2nd to Jesus), Photobooth! Guaranteed to blow away all your monday blues. This is the 2nd time it has saved my day.


I used to be an introvert

I'm a bit more extroverted now. Good people gave me great advice. look outwards they say. Forms a solid self-esteem. Gives people a good impression of yourself. Hmmm...at this moment i'm beginning to doubt it.

picasso did a number on me. now when you talk to me it would be eye-to-eye. get it! eye-to-eye! hahaha...sigh..you sordid bunch

for all those who are in shakers, who am i trying to depict here? ...think...yup. got it. WELL DONE!

ok enough for today, or my face is going to go into spasm.

now where did i put my botox?...

AND...a little shoutout to Sarah and the BUS COMPANY. Well Done :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Why Macs are better than PCs

Back in Melbourne. First week of Uni. Lecturers are still on holiday mood. Same old faces. Some new. Same old lab. NEW Macs?! hehe...time for some fun :P with Photo booth. This new software (hardware) is THE feature that I look forward to when I finally get my MacBook Pro in a few years time. It is addictive. It is fun. Ensues hour upon hour of self-entertainment. It will even make Stalin giggle with glee in his fortress of solitude (if he had one in his time). Did I mention it is fun. Just simple juvenile FUN! Starting from this week i will introduce you to the most colorful bunch of neurotic versions of joshi-porgy. Enjoy :)

Part 1. Fin. Hmmm...now lets see how long i can keep this up before i run out of faces....